Andres Serrano

A still from INSURRECTION, a film by Andres Serrano. The still features Trump supporters gathering inside Capitol Hill.
"I don't want to brag, but I think this is one of the most violent and controversial movies ever made." ANDRES SERRANO

"Is this film a parody, or satire? Could its studied ambiguity be misconceived and embraced as a genuine piece of Trump propaganda?" The Washington Post

FIlm Stills

A still from INSURRECTION, a film by Andres Serrano. The still features Trump supporters gathering outside Capitol Hill.
A still from INSURRECTION, a film by Andres Serrano. The still features Trump supporters gathering inside Capitol Hill.
A still from INSURRECTION, a film by Andres Serrano. The still features Trump supporters roaming the corridors of Capitol Hill. A red hat reads: "Make America Great Again".
A still from INSURRECTION, a film by Andres Serrano. The still features Trump supporters destroying a police barricade in Capitol Hill using a flag stand featuring the American Flag. This photo was taken moments before Ashley Babbitt was shot by guards.
