Hardback book presenting The Game: All Things Trump, Andres Serrano’s first non-photographic portrait: a journey through the world Donald Trump created for himself starting in the 1980s. It contains over 500 illustrations alongside essays by Jerry Saltz, Eleanor Heartney, Becky Haghpanah-Shirwan and Stephen Stapleton.
Andres Serrano was born in 1950 in New York City. He attended the Brooklyn Museum Art School from 1967 to 1969, where he studied painting and sculpture. Andres Serrano’s name, along with Robert Mapplethorpe’s, was at the crossroads of the 1989 Cultural Wars when Serrano’s photograph, Piss Christ (1987), became the subject of a national debate on freedom of artistic expression and the public funding of controversial art. Serrano works primarily with photography, formally addressing universal themes of death, religion, sex and bodily fluids. Throughout his confrontational and challenging work, Serrano unpicks the hypocrisies and highlights similarities within religious, political and social constructs. Serrano is an internationally acclaimed American artist whose work has been shown in major institutions in the United States and abroad.
Ed. by Becky Haghpanah-Shirwan and Stephen Stapleton.
Hardcover: 264 pages
Publisher: Booth-Clibborn Editions (1 Sept. 2020)
Languages: English
Dimensions: 230 x 335mm
ISBN: 978-1-86154-386-8